A breast implant consists of an outer shell and a filling material which is most often silicone gel or sometimes salt water (referred to as saline). Some implants are round and others are shaped more like a natural breast, referred to as tear drop or anatomical implants. Either can give excellent results. The manufacturers life expectancy of breast implants is 10 or more years, although implants can stay in without problems for a much longer time.
Breast augmentation has for many years been the most common cosmetic procedure in the UK which is testimony to its safety and ability to achieve a satisfying outcome in most patients. However no surgical procedure is without risk and understanding these risks as well as having a realistic expectation is essential.
Whatever the filling of the implant, the outer layer is made of silicone which is a firm type of material referred to as silicone elastomer. Silicon is a naturally occurring element which becomes silicone when it is combined with carbon hydrogen and oxygen. Silicone is manufactured into many items including cosmetics, foods and medical implants. Many studies have been conducted to establish whether silicone breast implants cause certain diseases.
This is one of the questions most frequently asked by patients. The answer is that this type of surgery puts back the ageing clock by seven to ten years, but of course, cannot stop it from ticking. Ten years after the surgery you will of course look older but will always appear 7-10 years younger than you would have looked without surgery.
Most patients like to have a natural look without any stigma or signs of surgery. Mr Riaz will show you some before and after clinical photographs and will also point out the one which is matches yourself, as far as age related changes are concerned.
Most of the scars after facial rejuvenation surgery are in the skin creases and settle down very nicely in the majority of patients. The most popular technique used these days leave a scar around the sideburn, which is the most prominent scar on the face after facial rejuvenation and neck lift. The scar in front of the ear is usually in the crease but part of the scar can be placed inside the ear canal. The scar behind the ear is usually in the crease. The scar over the bone behind the ear and at the hairline again settles down very nicely. Sometimes these scars can stretch and become prominent. The risk of really very prominent and hypertrophic scarring is in a very small percentage of patients. Mr Riaz likes to use absorbable deep sutures and usually there are no sutures to be removed after a face and neck lift and certainly we do not use any skin staples.
About one third of the total patients coming for facial rejuvenation come for a second procedure. The choice of a second procedure depends on the type of primary procedure and also depends on the changes on the face in the years after the primary procedure. These changes are dependent on the quality of skin. Some of these patients just require skin excision only to give them a fresher appearance and other patients require a full procedure on the face and neck. Most of the patients coming back for a second operation are the ones who had a primary procedure performed 7-10 years previously. It is very rare for patients to come back within five years to have further surgery on their face or neck. Repeating the facelift which was performed seven years before is usually straightforward as there will be further laxity of soft tissue and skin as the result of the ageing process so a further lift is technically feasible. It is believed that one can have up to three facelifts before the tissues become very scarred and difficult to operate on. Secondary face lifting for unhappiness with scarring or residual signs of ageing is more demanding, as to remove unwanted scars requires the patient to have enough laxity in the skin for adequate excision and repositioning of the scars in a more favourable line. Mr Riaz will discuss with you about the appropriateness of different procedures or techniques and also about the timing of the surgery as and when suitable for you.
Facelift surgery is carried out under general anaesthesia, so you will be asleep through the whole procedure. Mr Riaz employs the services of a skilled consultant anaesthetist who specialises in anaesthesia for facial aesthetic surgery since there is no doubt that this makes the procedure very much safer and improves the outcome.
Here are some of the more frequent and common questions asked prior to both Breast Augmentation and Facelift and Neck Lift procedures. Anything question not answered here, will be covered off in your personal cosmetic surgery consultation with Mr Riaz.