'R' Face Lift - Teaching Day
Mr. Simon Nicholson
MAY 2016
Mr Riaz has been a very supportive teacher and mentor during my several visits to his private practice in Hull. I have attended his theatre lists as part of my 4-month cosmetic reconstructive surgery fellowship. I have learned a number of new operative techniques that I have not been able to pick up elsewhere, both as entire procedures and as small tips and tricks that cumulatively make my own operating much more fluid and efficient.
'R' Face Lift teaching day at Spire Hospital, Hull
In attendance from Left: Mr Paolo Matteucci, Mr Alastair Platt, Mr Muhammad Riaz, Mr Simon Nicholson & Mr Ash Kotwal
Most notably, I have studied under Mr Riaz to learn his revolutionary new facelift technique; the ‘R’ lift. This technique is perhaps the safest method of achieving a full face and/or neck lift, and with possibly the lowest side-effect or complication profile. Having worked with Mr Riaz I feel very confident using this technique independently in my own practice; indeed I cannot see a reason to do any other kind of facelift.
In addition to a range of other procedures, Mr Riaz has shown me a series of very logical modifications to the technique of breast reduction and mastopexy, designed to improve the overall aesthetic outcome and maintain longevity of results. I have already used these in my own practice with good effect.
Due to Mr Riaz’s very thoughtful approach to each clinical situation, he has very robust reasons for everything he does in surgery and I hope to be able to gain more such knowledge from studying with him in the future.