The R Facelift method will no doubt benefit patients

I would like to thank you for allowing me to attend your operating list on 18/06/16 at The Spire Hospital, Hull. The R Facelift was a joy to watch and a face-lifting method that will no doubt benefit patients and aesthetic surgeons, alike; the reduced downtime and simplicity in approach, relative to other surgical techniques, respectively. This facelift, as we discussed, is a welcome and much-needed addition to the armamentarium of the aesthetic surgeon when the High Street seems to be stealing the show with less interventional procedures, for cosmetic improvement in the face and neck.

I can say, that having attended your surgical demonstration of the R Facelift, I now feel better placed to undertake the procedure and thereby offer it to the patients I see, as part of the spectrum of face-lifts, I do.

I should also like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for taking the time and trouble to teach the procedure. May I similarly thank the Spire staff for making me feel welcome.

Will let you know, when I’ve done my first R Facelift.

Mr Alok Misra - Plastic Surgeon


I feel like a different woman, much happier and confident


I couldn’t have done it without you!